This famous company in San Francisco produced a huge number of these Slim Jim style, close contoured holsters for the silver and gold miners as well as pioneers traveling west. Fully lined with your choice of color ~ $374.95. Unique style lends well to floral carving or basket weave. Double Mexican loop design for a Colt 1878 double action, a Colt SAA, or Smith and Wesson Schofield. Available in any barrel length for any cowboy gun. With one line edge groove ~ $124.95. Shipping policies may vary, but some of our sellers may offer free shipping when you purchase from them. Add $2 per loop for additional loops. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Colt Peacemaker Holster 7.5" Hip Holster Gun Holster Black Holster, Colt Peacemaker Holster 7.5" Barrel Hip Holster Gun Holsters, Colt Peacemaker 45 Cal Caliber 7.5" Barrel Hip Holster Graphic Gun Holsters, Barsony OWB Belt Gun Holster for Colt 22 38 357 41 44 4-5" barrel Revolvers, Barsony OWB Belt Loop Gun Holster for Colt 22 38 357 41 44 6" Barrel Revolvers, Vintage leather Holster Colt Scout Peacemaker .22 to 4 3/4" RH GC 220611, Colt Peacemaker Holster 7.5" Hip Holster Gun Holster Camo Holster, Peacemaker 45 Western Double Loop Leather Holster Line Tooled and Taurus Judge, Western Cowboy 45 Cal. Features. Cross draw holster or straight draw w/ star stamped edge. The holster measures 12 " L x 6" W. Request more information . The holster fits the Taurus Judge with a 6.5" perfectly. Holster alone $149.95. Get the best deals for colt peacemaker holster belt at India | English (UK) | (INR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalised search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. ] With basket weave or full Flower and vine tooling add $49.95. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. For edge tooling or star add $10.For the flask add $69.95. With one line stamp add $10. Sie bieten auf 20 Dekopatronen im Kaliber . Phone:843.756.0362. Unlined $145. For lining add $50. (10% off), Sale Price 3,071 With full floral carving or basket weave add $59.95. Meanea, Maker- Wyoming Territory. There are three bullet loops on the tongue end and six loops on the buckle end. For edge stamping add $15. Can be made for any single action pistol or automatic. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. 1 3/4 cartridge belt and solid brass buckle ~ $274.95. With antiquing and distressing add $49.95 per piece. Click on photo for larger view. (20% off), Sale Price CA$62.55 Tapered 2 1/2 wide, unlined shot gun shell belt. They're in stock and ready to ship. Colt New Frontier; Colt Peacemaker; Daisy Model 179; EIG Model E-15; EIG Model E-15MB ; EIG Model RG-21 ; EIG Model RG-66 ; EIG Model RG-63 . (20% off), Sale Price 9,862 Size adjusted to fit the smaller frame Ruger in 22/22MAG or 32 H&R for Cowboy Shooting. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centres that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Charley Leather Holster. Comes with four conchos, additional conchos can be added for an increased price. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. The Colt Peacemaker 5.5 is a single-action revolver manufactured by Colt. We like the lines and Old West look. ANTIQUE SINGLE LOOP HOLSTER & BELT. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. Original Price CA$47.37 One shoulder strap goes over the left shoulder vertically, and a securing strap goes horizontal across the chest to keep the holster from moving. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. A unique style originating in Texas, copied from an original, also from the book Beyond the Wild Bunch, pg- 88.Similar to S.D. By doing theprocess we have developed, we are able to capture the look of decades of wear and tear along the trail. Original Price CA$267.27 Chisholms Trail offers another way to carry your hold out- on your gun belt. Authentic 1890 "Original" Holster $ 121.00. Single drop loop holster and cartridge belt with edge stamping, fancy conchos, and 10 brass bullets- $199.95. Phone: 800-292-3811 Email The original Paterson flask was cylindrical and many frontiersmen decided to carry the common smaller flat powder container in a belt pouch. To enable personalised advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. With one line stamp add $10. Get a custom made gun belt now so that you don't need to search for one later on. "American Made Products for the American Shooter". Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Lining adds $50. U.S.Army 1st Aviation Bde.,243rd ASHC If you need a holster for this rig we can provide a snug Slim Jim style with edge groove for $99.95. Typical of Southern made copy of a Confederate flap holster in right or left hand draw without the flap. With its factory documentation to Bat Masterson, this revolver and rig is certainly among the finest and most desirable of western associated Colt revolvers and is essentially priceless. or Best Offer Billeted gun belt (as shown) ~ $174.95. ANTIQUE COLT SAA GUN RIG. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. Differing from the Slim Jim with the reverse of the holster folding back and sewn to the back side. With one line edge groove ~ $124.95. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Additional strong side or cross draw holster add ~ $254.95, Based on the Spaghetti Western work of Andy Anderson, this set has a toe forward, lined holster with double oval gunfighter stitch. For lining add $50. Lining adds $50. As shown ~ $499.95 (click photos for better view), This rig is based on a 1967 Western with great actors. MEYERS-COLT PEACEMAKER-FAST SHIPPING, Hunter Company 110060 1100 Snapoff Brown RH Cowboy Holster For Peacemaker, Western Cowboy 45 Peacemaker Double Loop Holster No Tooling, New Barsony Woodland Green Concealment Flap Holster for 6" Revolvers, NEW Barsony Vertical Gun Concealment Shoulder Holster for Colt 4" Revolvers, Hunter Holsters Leather Holster for Colt Peacemaker 4.75" RH OWB 1100-45, Vintage S&W Brown Leather Lined Basketweave Holster For 22 Peacemaker 6", NEW Barsony Burgundy Leather Western Style Gun Holster for Colt 6" Revolvers, CUSTOM MADE LEATHER GUN BELT AND HOLSTER-NICKEL ACCENTS-AWESOME LOOK-FREE SHIP, NEW Barsony Tan Leather Vertical Gun Shoulder Holster for Colt 6" Revolvers, .45 Cal Revolver, Western Leather Holster, Matching Pair, Double Loop Style, Bucheimer Gun Holster BPM 1 Vintage Leather Peacemaker, Longhorn Leather Holster 5" Colt Ejectorless SAA or 4-3/4" Peacemaker 6653-LR. Exciting news We now have a convenient and comfortable way to carry the massive new AutoMag in a vertical carry until ready to use. This slim, rounded toe, double drop loop holster from the 1880s is stylized from the famous book on cowboy gun leather- Packing Iron pg 133. This can be extended if needed. New- bandolier attached 1911 clip pouch- POR. Matching cartridge belt with contrasting bullet loops and conchos ~ $159.95. 10900. This is about the only way to carry this 8 1/2 barrel gun and be able to get it into action rapidly. $595.98. With one line stamp add $10. This example adapted from the book Beyond the Wild Bunch, pg- 86. The double buckle version allows stout cowboys to be able to replace the tongue with a longer or shorter one depending on future size. Scalloped edge and more draw angle make this a really nice shoulder holster. With one line stamp add $10. Available in any barrel length for any cowboy gun. Request a special pattern to fit an 1858 Remington conversion. Holster made famous by maker M.E. With one line stamp ~ $109.95. Holster unlined as shown in cowboy brown ~ $184.95. Early holster made by Charles Swope in Colorado. The single drop loop around the front of the holster allows a snug carry on a 1 3/4 gun belt or remove the drop loop and wear the holster on a 2 1/2 to 3 gun belt. The convenience of being able to constantly take off an put on a holster that will stay secure when pulling out your gun. Become a part of the design of your own custom made holster from scratch with the help of our master craftsman. Western leather holsters custom made by Chisholms Trail Leather just for you. With one line edge groove ~ $124.95. With one row of edge stamping- add $10. Rig has full chest strap and holster can be secured to your pant belt or suspender buttons. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. ANTIQUE DOUBLE GUN RIG MAKER MARKED. Georgia 30264Phone: (678) 423-7351Email: This new addition to our Holster line has been a long time coming. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. Update your shipping location. For the black powder specialist. Lining adds $50. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Has up to three buckle drop loop straps depending on length of barrel. Notice the trigger guard area is not attached to back skirt- faster access to the grip and less stress on the stitching. Original Price 15,989 Add $10 for tab hammer thong. Please note that we are about 6-7 months in backorder and the wait is worth it. The barons were wealthy and often represented foreign investments. If you have an 8 1/2 barrel, we recommend the cross draw holster below. This is our new Old Walnut oil base stain color. From the latest trends to all-time classics, youll find a number of choices when exploring the offering by our seller community. This model often preferred by gamblers in cross draw so The gun could get into play from a sitting position. For original conchos call for POR. Original in our private collection. Our version copies a Confederate cross draw. By removing the drop portion the holster can be worn as normal. { With one line stamp add $10. A lot of geometry and hours of design went into the construction of this rig. All holsters can also be worn on a traditional gun belt as well. With basket weave or full tooling add $49.95. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Original Price CA$177.71 If your belt is wider than 1 3/4 then the paddle will be leather as shown and add ~ $24.95. By browsing our website you consent to our use of cookies and other anonymized tracking technologies.Craft Holsters, Craft Holsters logo and "Fits like a glove. You cannot just sit down and startantiquing the leather with something abrasive. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Measure from the front of your cylinder to the far end of the barrel to get the proper length. See our buckle button. To add floral carving or basket weave add ~ $49.95. Thisholsterprovides maximum coverage for hard outdoor use. RIGHT HAND DESIGN BY DEFAULT. Holster, powder flask holder,Bowie knife, sheath, buckle and 1 3/4 straight belt. For lining add ~ $59.95 per piece. Cheyenne holster and belt fully lined with one line of edge tooling and nickel buckle ~ $424.95, Same as above with special tooling add ~ $34.95. Available in any barrel length for any cowboy gun. With one line edge groove ~ $149.95. The SAA Peacemaker fits quite well. This one is a copy of an original with a Texas Star embossed on the side. Lining adds $49.95. With edge groove ~ $89.95. best website builder . Now we also have Colt 1911 clip pouches attached to the bandolier- POR. Dont pass this deal up. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Due to rising costs in supplies, materials & leather, prices have increased $10 per item. With one line stamp add $10. Suggest ordering holster lined to protect gun from the Sam Browne stud or snap. Page 106 Packing Iron, by Richard Rattenbury. With one line edge groove ~ $99.95. This is our reproduction of his rough out Colt 1861 Conversion holster, gun belt and buckle. ForSam Brown stud retaining strap or snap strap add $10. This holster has the length it can have three or four drop loops of desired. With one line stamp add $10. On Etsy, you can find a wide range of colt saa holster and belt online in India, from one-of-a-kind handcrafted options to vintage treasures ready to be loved again. Got to stop by my LGS today, and he had in stock one of the Uberti manufactured Cimarron Peacemaker clones of the 1973 Colt Single Action Army revolver. Lining adds $50. With one line edge groove ~ $124.95. Holds 8 sets of two shells with a space between each. Before Josey became Outlaw Josey Wales, he was called a sod buster by the Red Legs cavalry. Tellem Chisholms Trail sent you, SEE OUR SHOULDER HOLSTER AT THE NRA CONFERENCE IN INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Fits an 1849 Colt Pocket pistol, an 1862 Police, or a Ruger Bearcat with or without skirt. Browse our whole selection of Colt. Lining adds $50. With edge groove ~ $124.95. Full coverage- $199.95. Get Yours Now. Unlined holster, belt and buckle ~ $374.95. Good balance and carry for a short belly gun. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Slight FBI cant. FOR THE FINEST IN SEMI AUTOS, BUY THE .44 AMP AUTOMAG. The original will fit up to a 5 1/2 Colt SAA or Remington 1875. Two inch gun belt with 2 Clipped corner buckler, edge groove and 18 loops ~ $159.95. Most holsters had at least one version that would fit a short 3 1/2 barrel gun for hiding purposes. Designed for a .36 caliber Colt 1862 Police, but will also fit Colts1849 Pocket model. With one line stamp add $10. Lining adds $50. Plain Rig with one holster and Billeted belt ~ $374.95 (also sized for Model P Jr. and Ruger Single Six .22) to addtooling, specialty buckle, or additional holster $ POR. Per piece with one line stamp add $10. With one line stamp add $10. Conchos are $10 each. Stylized Open Range size and length increased to fit the bigger Ruger Old Army in fixed or adjustable sights. For lining add $50. Based on an early TV western outlaw, this rig has style and class. Straight or cross draw. He would push stray cattle back over the borders onto their respective ranches. With edge groove ~ $124.95 With one line stamp add ~ $10. Available in any barrel length, straight draw or cross draw for any cowboy gun. Antiquing and distressing is adusty dangerous job. For tapered gun belt with edge stamping ~ $159.95. Can be worn with or without the belt loop. The trigger guard area is not attached to the grip and less stress on the.... Sale Price CA $ 62.55 Tapered 2 1/2 wide, unlined shot gun shell belt holster line has a. W/ star stamped edge all-time classics, youll find a number of choices when exploring offering. 1/2 wide, unlined shot gun shell belt $ 10.For the flask add $ 49.95 and brass. N'T need to search for one later on in INDIANAPOLIS, IND policies may,! Are able to capture the look of decades of wear and tear along the Trail of being able replace. 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