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do libras hide their sadness

That is the only way you can truly be loyal. Yeah I do see these traits in myself I just find it happens when I'm being too nice or something and I always seem to attract the wrong people. Im working on how to tell which person I should be friends with and people just taking advantage of me. As you know im a libra and have a pretty hard time saying no so i find people can see that and then after a bit take advantage of that and sometimes just use me and then after a while it all just builds up into sadnesss and anger and its just ahhhh idk how to get rid of it lol oh yeah and i smile and laugh at my own misery alot idk why but i find it funny. I know someone with libra sun and moon who has all of the above mentioned as well. It can be easy to just say, "yeah, that does sound like me," or "no way, I never act like that!" I know a libra and she is very controlling. At least when im about to say a lie i have her in my mind to tell me if im going to be fake no one will apreceate my true kind and loving self . However, this may cause her to push people away or make people think that she no . 4.) Mr Libra 2 also had LOT of Scorpio. I love, appreciate, care and support all those close ones who accept and love me for who I am. I was a happy child and hate confrontation and lose all my lovely articulation abilities in the face of hate and nastiness. Hero though he was, Gandhi ignored his wife, refused to send his sons to college, and disowned his eldest because he married instead of being chaste. Im a full rounded scorpio, meaning, i know and accepts my flaws, faults and dark side. Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. Also i can tell when someone lies so easily buy the way they look at you . You can't be weak around these majestic women. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. I was married to a Virgo, and we got along well. I must agree with fellow commentors that your distaste for this sign is merely a reflection of your own negativity and distorted observations. We have been doing that since 1989 to 2004 we did hookup a few times before 1996 none since then no longer felt right. Like it is mentioned above we like to flake out on our family members and that is something I can't deny, we are just looking for guidance we can't find and actually we know all the stuff we want to know already, we just can't find it in all the shit that we bathe in in our minds. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. I hate having fights in public. What Libras actually need is just to find a stable ground they can hold onto when times are unsteady, what often becomes their SO or someone else who is very close. And sometimes I just make fun of people- for instance if they make racist comments and I'm just having a beer on Sunday night, instead of punching them in the face I get this attitude of smiling from ear to ear, looking them straight in the eye and and making them feel like shit. They are so gracious and generous that friends are shocked when they first see Libra throw a tantrum, or realize that Libra told a lie. They become more serious and tense, less tolerant, and are plagued with feelings of worry when thinking about the future. I know Librans do this, I'm one of them. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. I think the problem is that you were too selfish and judgemental instead of taking the time and making a genuine effort to get to know and understand a Libra better, you chose to ASSume, criticize, demean, and judge someone you never really got to know. Yes, alot of these opinions are true but thats why they call them opinions, everyone has one. I am a libra my self and the main thing about being a libra is emotions libras value there emotions so much it is everything to them.when libras are sad it is so hard to get there trust.when a fight happens with there friends they will get so emotional that they become a monster they never want to even think about being but they dont realise. It can be easy to spot this change in a Sagittarius because it is so out of character and such a contrast to the type of person they usually are. They can feel like they are no longer in control of their life, so they can start being more impulsive, blind with rage, and even fail to get worked up about their normal habits something that usually keeps them sane. He'll keep a lid on his feelings. i was a good kid. Libras are the biggest gaslighters imaginable. I'm an aries and I had a libra completely ghost me for years because ofwell I can't even remember what the problem was, but I tried to talk to her about it and she just closed the door in my face basically. Since Aries is known for being very blunt, they may say something that cuts Libra deep. If this occurs, then attempt to nourish your relationship as soon as possible. If you dont want to be disappointed keep it flakey & light. We need to hear someone saying out loud that the stuff is going to be okay, otherwise if we don't hear it, we don't consider it real. If you notice that she has isolated herself, then you should take the time to teach yourself about what happens when a Libra woman is sad. But when the phone rings, Libra will answer it calmly and sweetly. I pride myself on being truthful beyond anything. Heres something to know about a libra, they have a gut feeling that is almost always accurate, if you hurt a libra and not be able to make it up to them fully they will use and hurt you in anyway possible over the smallest things yet not feel any remorse. I want to know what's going wrong because I'm doing all the right things but all I'm getting is disappointment. They are often good at masking how they feel in order to avoid conflict or making other people feel uncomfortable. I'll counter her with a weapon she despises kicking and screaming back into her own pit of hell yes, I'll kill her with my own personal happiness! I spent 2 hours on that phone listening to her sob story and when I put the phone down, she remained in my head, like a mosquito biting my brain, irritating, annoying and. poisonous. I found the article to be amusing, thought-provoking and mostly true of most people, no matter what their sign. Libra men often have a hard time speaking their feelings, and they often bottle up their emotions. Because the same person who, held your hands, hugged you and said everything will be ok we're going to get through this together, will be the same person who tells your weak, thats why these things happen. In my head and finding out how my mind games are going in my head. Sadness is an important emotion and part of the human spectrum. We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. Libra women are a lot to handle but sooooo worth it I love their fiestiness and exciting energy. None of this rings true for me and you should not say "even the best" this emplies EVERY SINGLE Libra thinks more of themselves than they think of you. Becayse they like gossip so much, leave her dry with nothing to talk about. i can tell you my mother is a libra and this fits her to a t. she made my life a living hell. And I know that Libra's have dark side, and how deep it truly goes. That only helps to make it clear that those people are not compatible and I don't want them in my life. Over a long period of time, she may find that her life is entirely different than before. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. I have a stellium in libra sun moon mercury venus and they are all in the 12th house. I was so offended. Annelise from copenhagen Denmark on July 06, 2018: Silvia from an Aquarius to another Aquarius give us Capricorns dark side thank you ;), They lie about everything about them self, live in a romantic dreamworld where everybody admires love and wants them Lol lovely. She should be recognized for this and given her Propers. My partner and her don't have a friendship. We were staying in a very beautiful hotel and this was Christmas Eve. ( baring in mind her parents live 5 minutes from her home and she's close to them, she alledges to have 2 childhood friends who live near her too.. she didn't turn to them.) Did i learn a lot! Considering the importance of maintaining a good relationship with a Libra woman, we invite you to look through our article collection about how to have a healthy relationship with a Libra woman, as this will provide you with a host of tools to help you successfully navigate your relationship. When in discussion about this libra others who think they know her well will defend her and say she is gracious and unselfish. My life was fairly quiet and normal until Mr. Libra came into my life. Also as soon they breakup with you and have someone else in their life, they wont let you go that fast because they want to track every step of you, and they hate confrontation but love drama. Muahahahaha ;)~. A lot of Librans a prone to having gallstones, kidney and dental problems. If your not a "capricunt" you have the face and attitude for one. I want to build you up, only to make you look like a fool and encourage you to make the wrong decisions for my amusement. We got back together. But..we can also be the greatest ally and nurturer you have ever known in your life. They dont mind killing u if thats what it takes. 3.) Libras (born Sept. 23 to Oct. 22), for instance, are said to be focused on others and how they relate to them. Libras aren't always recognized for being sensitive. He will yell that all he wants is some peace. Searching on the net about paedophiles I found out that most of them were committed by librans. Libra Woman. But always react to things I say. Libras love with a passion. Done. Been with one for 3 1/2 years. Trying to keep everything balanced and perfect and then blaming myself if everyone isn't happy. I've been in two long relationships with Aquarius and Gemini , they are supposed to be the best compatible signs with libra but not in my case , they care too much about their parents and careers more than the woman they love. If you piss off or let a Libran down, do not both trying to: because they know what you did and your ability to do it again. Think of Judge Judy (born October 21) and the pain she's seen and absorbed over 25 years as a judge in family court. I let her into my world denying my gut instinct and being the stupidly open person I can be, shared a few secrets - thankfully nothing shameful, just emotional things from my past. They are usually gentle and slow to anger, but can turn vicious in a moment if need be. I can agree with some of the second parts of statements: e.g. True Librans dont like conflict or ugliness. Scorpios are all about ruining your life and possibly planning to kill by all means. I'm a Capricorn who's been getting to know this Libra male. She balances that by verbally skewering and humiliating people. Libras are very good at hiding their emotions. They become unmotivated, hopeless, and start to over-think everything. Or when she brought home a kitten who was kept locked in a bedroom so for 6-12 hours ( usually for a long time )so she wouldnt be bothered because the kitten wanted to play. Because they repress their pain and everybody else's, they have meltdowns. Sorry for that. You will never be able to lie to us and get away with it.we can see the lies before they ever come out of your mouth. Do Libras hide their emotions? Like a few here said earlier, there's more to the picture about the signs, you have to look at the sum total of your chart. Reason why they play games and betray the people closest to them. Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! When she reacts in an inappropriate manner, it is likely that she will push people away from her. She wants to feel free and keep it light, turning away naturally from people whose characteristics feel too negative or intense for her. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. So this article is in no way 10% correct describing how a Libra is like when wronged. Aug. 18, 2021, 9:03 a.m. I learned my lesson and I try to avoid Libra when is about relationship. I, do want to move out with my boyfriend because i have problem. Here as a person who is many time being soft spoken and caring(Pisces). Mmm chocolate. Things seem to be falling apart around me. This is likely a defense mechanism, as she may feel that any criticism of her behaviors is a rejection of herself. Curse you Libra for messing men's life everywhere you go. Chastity, this article is solely about Libra's dark side. Does breastfeeding affect a newborn's brain development? Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Because of this, they may be more prone to bottling up their feelings or acting passive-aggressive. Until after we became roommates did I see time & time again her inability to ever defend me. I have hit that point in life where the realization of who I truly am is so upsetting that I despise myself. Those born in the first week of October are prone to depression (saturn decan) due to their repressed emotions and hide it so well. Don't interact. My best advice for anybody is know thyself it is OK to not care or like people and not be friendly. Yes, lazyness is something theyll admit to. Is your love language what you give or receive? I, pity myself to the point where i start crying. I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . We are not too bulgar to chaos in public. Like she has some sort of ledger in her head. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. Aries (March 21 April 19) "While Aries can be charmed by Libra for a while, one thing Aries can't stand is neediness," Monahan says. Now i know how to deal with him.. It seems not every one is on the same page though. Librans might speak kindly in public, but even the best ones do not really believe others have feelings or brains. When sadness tips that balance. The Universal Law Of One.would suggest that these are people are mirroring qualities you possess but do not like about yourself. Secondly, most of the time we have no absolute clue how to deal with ourselves. But talk to damn much. They often enjoy talking about their feelings and may even cry when feeling sad or hurt. They're so charming, and appear to be understanding at first. She did nothing. People can be quixotic and dynamic. Think i am not fake person. These libras gossip in such a way that so many don't consider them as gossipers. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. Yes, at this point I'm the meanest person i know. seems the guys dont stay very long wonder why . Candice NY from NYC on December 02, 2018: Libras are great as long as you keep it superficial. When they do express themselves, they tend to be very passionate and open-minded. We will have justice and we will exact the pain you have placed on us and we will make you feel everything you ever made us feel in one moment. If they do they will learn to regret it. If I screw up I own up. Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on September 18, 2016: Chastity, this article is solely about Libra's dark side. He ignores me somedays pays attention to me other days and never fully knows if he likes me or not lol. I wouldn't trade my beautuful Libra baddie for nothing. its like they trick themselves they feed their demons till they are so very full and they enjoy it. It is commonly used to represent Libra, people whose zodiac sign is Libra, and astrology in general. She only wants information to use against them. Toxic Libra will always make you feel like you were the one in the wrong. By hurtful i mean really hurtful libras observe and are very diplomatic, they watch your everyday behavior ask you lots of questions if they are interested and learn about you enough just to be able to push the right buttons to hurt you. Because it's almost impossible to feel sorry for them. Caregivers who mask their own emotions can also reinforce the idea that you should do the same . 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I learned to not tell secrets. When she feels that she is doubtful or uncertain about her decisions and her future, she may decide that the best course of action is to avoid people and conversations. The laziness, the controling, able to move from one relationship to another one. That said, they can still become wound up like they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown, meaning their emotions are much bigger than what you see on the surface. Every single thing you confided in the libra will thrown back at you as a weapon to hurt you. He will talk to you for hours about anything. I'm not. My behavior is actually a slight reflection of yours. They can also become unresponsive in conversations, making it almost impossible to get through to them when they're depressed. One Libran is not going to be the same as the other. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, you are not alone. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. There are bad people, no matter which sign they are, and your sign is not inmune to that evilness. Yet, that didn't stop Mr Libra from pursuing me and creating "DRAMA" by telling his friends I was "divorced" or "was getting a divorce". My experience with a Libran is usually very superficial and passive. She talks shit about everyone and try to coaxes you into hating those people that she hates as well. 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Never Introduce Your Friends To Each Other, Articles D

do libras hide their sadness

do libras hide their sadness